
Archive for the ‘python’ Category

Generating Charts with Python and matplotlib as Base64 images for embedding in HTML webpages

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This is code used to create the charts for my ‘Compare Expense Ratios‘ microsite. It uses matplotlib to generate a chart which is converted to a Base64 to be embedded directly into a webpage. This way there is no need to save an intermediate image.

#Inputs are a dictionary of lists that contains points to plot (points), the title, and the x and y-axis labels.
def mathPlotLib(points, title, xlabel, ylabel):
   import matplotlib
   from matplotlib import pyplot
   import base64
   import cStringIO
   import natsort

   #The two funds are the keys to the dicitonary
   fundOrder = []
   for fund in natsort.natsorted(points.keys()):
      #Plot the points and keep track of the order they are added for the legend

   # Add the legend, title, and x,y labels.

   # Convert the image as png as a byte-string object
   my_stringIObytes = cStringIO.StringIO()
   pyplot.savefig(my_stringIObytes, format='png')

   # Seek to the beginning of the file and encode it as Base64
   b64png = base64.b64encode(

   # Add the html wrapper to embed it as base64
   html = '<img src="image/png;base64,' + b64png + '" />'

   # Clean up

   return html


Written by M Kapoor

December 24, 2019 at 8:04 pm

Posted in Programming, python

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Automate build and load of Hugo sites to Amazon S3 using Rclone with Python

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This was the build and load flow for my Hugo site before I gave up on Hugo and moved back to WordPress. The site was generated using Hugo and pushed to Amazon s3 using rclone.

The code assumes the hugo and rclone executables, and the hugo root directory are in the same folder.

In this example the hugo directory is called

import os, shutil

# s3 auth info
s3SecretAccessKey = 's3_secret_key'
s3AccessKeyId = 's3_access_key'

# Hugo folder and bucket name.  sitepath is path to the hugo public folder.
path = ''
sitepath = os.path.join(path, 'public')

#Remove the files from the previous build by deleting the public folder
if os.path.exists(sitepath):

# Run hugo from root directory
cmd = 'hugo.exe -s ' + path

# Run rclone from root directory to sync /public to s3 and the appropriate args to encrypt the files and enable public read
cmd = 'rclone.exe sync ' + sitepath + ' s3:' + path
cmd += ' -v --s3-secret-access-key ' + s3SecretAccessKey
cmd += ' --s3-access-key-id ' + s3AccessKeyId
cmd += ' --s3-acl public-read'
cmd += ' --s3-server-side-encryption AES256'
cmd += ' --s3-provider AWS'
cmd += ' --s3-region us-west-2'


Written by M Kapoor

December 24, 2019 at 3:26 am

Posted in python

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Generate and save a static page in Django

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Generate and save a static page in Django.

html/static.html is a Django template
data is the data you want to pass into the page
static(request) is a function mapped to a url in

Visiting the page will generate this static file


from django.template.loader import render_to_string

def static(request):
    results = render_to_string('html/static.html', {'content': html})
    with open(r'C:tempstatic.html','w') as f:

Written by M Kapoor

August 23, 2018 at 4:56 am

Copy a file from a URL directly to S3 using boto3 and requests

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Copy a file at inUrl directly to a s3 bucket bucketName. ACL is set to public-read and ContentType is maintained from the from URL.

Your AWS credentials must be pre-set.

import boto3
import requests

#Set up boto3 env vars
os.environ['AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID'] = ''
os.environ['AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY'] = ''
os.environ['AWS_DEFAULT_REGION'] = 'us-west-2'

inUrl = r'file_to_read'
response = requests.get(inUrl)

s3 = boto3.resource('s3')
s3.Bucket(bucketName).put_object(Key='test/file_path.ext', Body=response.content, ACL='public-read',ContentType=response.headers['Content-Type'])

Written by M Kapoor

February 7, 2017 at 2:09 pm

Posted in python

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Wait a random delay in Python

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Wait a random interval in seconds between 0 and delay.

import random
import time

timeDelay = random.randrange(0, delay)

Written by M Kapoor

February 4, 2017 at 1:33 am

Posted in python

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Set User-Agent for Python requests library

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Some sites don’t allow page access if the User-Agent isn’t set. headers is a hash and can hold additional header tokens.

headers = {'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/55.0.2883.87 Safari/537.36'}
resp = requests.get(url, headers=headers)

Written by M Kapoor

February 4, 2017 at 1:29 am

Posted in python

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Download and save file using Python Requests

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Download and save a file using the Python requests library.

url = URL to download
filename = Name of local file for url

import requests

url = ''

response = requests.get(url)
with open(filename, 'wb') as f:

Written by M Kapoor

February 2, 2017 at 4:46 pm

Posted in python

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Recursively get all file names from a directory

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Recursively get all file names matching a substring from a directory.

* path = Directory to search
* matchStr = Substring to match

import os
import fnmatch

def getFiles(path, matchStr):
matches = []
for root, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(path):
    for filename in fnmatch.filter(filenames, matchStr):
        matches.append(os.path.join(root, filename))

return matches

Written by M Kapoor

April 12, 2015 at 2:21 pm

Posted in python

How to use a different version of Python in PyCharm

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How to use a different version of Python in PyCharm.

File -> Settings (Ctrl + Alt + S)

Click on Project Interpreter. Select your desired version of Python.

Written by M Kapoor

October 2, 2014 at 4:58 pm

Posted in python

Going through a xlsx spreadsheet by column in Python

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Most examples iterate by row. This one iterates by col.

import xlrd

workbook = xlrd.open_workbook('test_file.xlsx')
worksheet = workbook.sheet_by_index(0)

num_cols = worksheet.ncols - 1
curr_col = -1
while curr_col < num_cols:
    #Iterate through cols
    curr_col += 1
    col = worksheet.col(curr_col)
    for cell in col:
        #Iterate through cells in col
        print cell.value

Written by M Kapoor

September 25, 2014 at 3:29 pm

Posted in python