
Archive for December 2019

Authenticate with BackBlaze B2 and list buckets with Python

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Authenticate with BackBlaze B2 and list buckets with Python.

First to authenticate with BackBlaze B2:

import requests
from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth

#Credentials from BackBlaze B2 manager
key_id          = 'b2_key_id'
application_key = 'b2_application_key'

#Contact authorization server and check response
path   = ''
result = requests.get(path, auth=HTTPBasicAuth(key_id, application_key))
if result.status_code != 200:
    print 'Error - Could not connect to BackBlaze B2'

#Get results and add authorization token to headers
result_json = result.json()
account_id  = result_json['accountId']
auth_token  = result_json['authorizationToken']
api_url     = result_json['apiUrl'] + '/b2api/v1'
api_session = requests.Session()
api_session.headers.update({ 'Authorization': auth_token })

Now use api_session to interact with B2. For example, download the list of buckets like this:

#Construct the API url
url = api_url + '/b2_list_buckets'

#Use the api_session parameter to get a list of buckets
bucketInfo =, json={'accountId': account_id})

#Convert datastream to json
jsonBucketInfo = bucketInfo.json()

#List id and name
for bucket in jsonBucketInfo['buckets']:
    bucketId = bucket['bucketId']
    bucketName = bucket['bucketName']

    print bucketId, bucketName

More details about tokens in the json are on BackBlaze’s list_buckets API page.

Written by M Kapoor

December 23, 2019 at 8:05 pm

Posted in Programming

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Authenticate with BackBlaze B2 and get file URLs using Python

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Authenticate with BackBlaze B2 and get the URLs of files in a bucket.

First to authenticate with BackBlaze B2:

import requests
from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth

#Auth information from Backblaze
key_id = 'key_id'
application_key = 'application_key'

path = ''
result = requests.get(path, auth=HTTPBasicAuth(key_id, application_key))
if result.status_code != 200:
    print 'Error - Could not connect to BackBlaze B2'

#Read response
result_json = result.json()
account_id = result_json['accountId']
auth_token = result_json['authorizationToken']
api_url    = result_json['apiUrl'] + '/b2api/v1'
download_url = result_json['downloadUrl'] + '/file/'
api_session = requests.Session()
api_session.headers.update({ 'Authorization': auth_token })

Now get bucket contents and assemble URL. Sample code for bucket ID and bucket name is here.

bucketId = 'bucket_id_from_b2'
bucketName = 'name_of_bucket'

params = {'bucketId': bucketId}
urls = set()

#Loop for as long as a nextFile exists
while True:
    #Construct api call, execute, and read back information
    url = api_url + '/' + 'b2_list_file_names'
    fileList =, json=params)
    jFileList = fileList.json()

    #Loop through files and construct url
    for file in jFileList['files']:
        urls.add(download_url + bucketName + '/' + file['filename'])

    #Check for next file and break if it doesn't exist
    startFileName = jFileList['nextFileName']
    if startFileName == None:
        #continue If next file exists
        params['startFileName'] = startFileName

Written by M Kapoor

December 23, 2019 at 7:17 pm

Posted in Programming

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